Welcome to our COVID-19 response page. Below you’ll find all the critical information about how P.S./I.S. 78Q is changing the way we operate to reduce the risk of COVID infection.
We are doing everything we can to make sure staff, students, and families are safe.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Home Test Kits
- Beginning January 3, schools will distribute free, take-home COVID-19 rapid test kits to any student or staff who exhibit COVID-like symptoms or have been in a classroom where a positive case has been identified.
- If your child was exposed to COVID-19 at school, please help your child take the first test on the day they receive the home test and help your child take the second test five days after exposure or at the first indication of symptoms.
- Your child may continue to attend school as long as your child receives negative test results and does not experience any symptoms of COVID-19.
- If your child has COVID-like symptoms or feels ill before the fifth day, please have your child isolate and take the second home test immediately.
- If your child tests positive on either home test, your child must isolate for 10 days following the first positive result. Please contact your child’s school immediately to inform them and for further guidance.
- If your child is exposed multiple times in a week, you don’t need another kit until next week; the two tests should be able to pick up any infection.
- If your child had symptoms of COVID-19 at school, please help your child take the first test immediately and help your child take the second test 24 hours later.
- Your child may not attend school until they receive negative results on both of these home tests taken within 24 hours of each other and have been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication OR if your child receives a negative test result from a PCR COVID test.
- If your child tests positive on either home test, your child must isolate for 10 days following the first positive result. Please contact your child’s school immediately and report the test results.
- Any student who tests positive on a take-home test should immediately report it to the school and begin isolating. Students who test positive must isolate for 10 days and can return to school on Day 11. No negative test is required to return to school.
- As a reminder, all students, staff and visitors must pass the DOE health screener in order to enter school buildings. Additional questions will be added to the health screeners for those students and staff who receive at-home rapid test kits to share their negative result. No other proof of a negative result is required in order for these students to enter the school building.
Please note that if your child has recovered from COVID-19 in the past three months, your child does not need a home test kit.
Technical Information/Logistics
- Online instruction will be delivered on Google Classroom.
- Contact your child’s classroom teacher with technical issues, including, but not limited to:
- Logging in
- Not able to upload work
- Teacher not seeing work
- Not getting assignments back
- Get help with DOE-given devices by going to https://www.schools.nyc.gov/learning/learn-at-home/technical-tools-and-support/technical-support-for-families
Key Contacts
Please send questions regarding return to school to: psis78programs@psis78pta.org